SNP MSP Tom Arthur is encouraging anyone with an interest in the future of education in Scotland to contribute to the Scottish Government’s new consultation on the Education (Scotland) Bill.
The Bill guarantees new powers for head teachers and ensures that young people and parents have a stronger say in decisions about children’s learning and development.
Commenting, SNP MSP Tom Arthur for Renfrewshire South said:
“Our teachers in Renfrewshire South deserve our unreserved praise for the education they are providing our young people, day in and day out.
“With more of our young people getting excellent exam results and going onto a job, training or continuing their studies – we have so much to be positive about.
“It’s really important that anyone in Renfrewshire South with an interest in the future of education in Scotland takes time before 30th January 2018 to contribute to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the new Education Bill.
“I strongly support the Scottish Government’s aim of making children, parents and teachers more empowered by moving decision-making as close to them as possible – a proposal that’s informed by strong international research which shows that empowering schools and engaging parents ultimately leads to a better education.
“I would urge as many people as possible to help transform education in Scotland by contributing to this important consultation.”