The SNP has urged people in Renfrewshire South to register to vote by 7 May for the upcoming European Parliament elections, warning it’s the only way to ensure Scotland’s voice is heard in Europe.
Research published today revealed that 600,000 Scots who are eligible to vote in this month’s elections have not registered yet. Unlike the Brexit referendum, EU citizens living in the UK can vote in European parliamentary elections.
To be able to vote in the European Parliament elections, people must be registered to vote by midnight on 7 May. The elections will take place on 23 May.
SNP MSP Tom Arthur said:
“People in Scotland overwhelmingly voted to remain in the European Union – but even many of those who voted to leave have real concerns about the extreme Brexit now being pursued.
“We know that Brexit will harm our economy, cost jobs and hit people’s pockets, which is why it’s vital that anyone who has not registered to vote does so as soon as possible.
“Never before have European elections been so important. We need strong SNP voices in Europe to send a clear message that we will not accept a Brexit process which fails to represent Scotland’s interests.
“A vote for the SNP is a vote to make clear that Scotland says no to Brexit.”
Register to vote here. Tailored advice for EU citizens voting in Scotland is available here.