Thousands of carers in Renfrewshire South have benefitted from Carer’s Allowance Supplement (CAS) payments of up to £452 a year, introduced by the Scottish Government.
New figures show that 4415 carers in Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire have received CAS payments since September 2018, when the payment was introduced.
The Carer’s Allowance Supplement is an extra payment made to carers in Scotland twice a year, in recognition of the important contribution they make to our society.
Carers now receive two supplementary payments totalling £452 per year, equivalent to an extra £8.50 per week, which is a 13% increase on the Carer’s Allowance from the UK government.
SNP MSP Tom Arthur said:
“Since its introduction, the Carer’s Allowance Supplement has supported almost 100,000 carers across Scotland.
“Carers in Renfrewshire South make an absolutely vital contribution to our society, and it’s only appropriate that their hard work is valued and they are properly supported.
“The SNP is determined to use the powers available to the Scottish Government to improve the lives of people across Scotland.
“This supplementary payment allows the Scottish Government to get more money into the pockets of carers as quickly as possible.
“I am delighted that carers in Renfrewshire South are being recognised for the important contribution carers make to our communities – in what can often be difficult circumstances.”