£43,906 has been paid out to support young carers in East Renfrewshire by the Scottish Government, from the Young Carer’s Grant, since its launch.
The payment, which is unique to Scotland, has paid out £1.8m in vital support for young carers across Scotland since its introduction in October 2019.
The grant was recently increased from £308.15 to £326.65 from 1 April.
The payment is available for 16-18-year-olds who spend an average of 16 hours caring for a person or people in receipt of a disability benefit. As long as someone remains eligible, they can apply on an annual basis.
Commenting Tom Arthur, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire South said:
“Young carers in East Renfrewshire show incredible dedication to those who they care for whether that be a family member, friend or someone in the community and it is right that they are supported to provide that help.
“It is encouraging that applications for the Young Carer’s Grant have increased since its introduction.
“In Scotland we are building a social security system built on fairness, dignity and respect as the Young Carer’s Grant is just one of a number of support payments available only in Scotland.
“This is how the SNP Scottish Government is supporting people with its limited powers, but it continues to do so with one hand tied behind its back and only with the full powers of independence can we fully build a system that works for all. “I would encourage anyone aged between 16 and 18 who provides care or knows anyone who does so to apply for the grant.”