Tom Arthur, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire South, Local MSP has welcomed the publication of a new paper by the Scottish Government that outlines the opportunities of a written constitution for an independent Scotland.

The paper is the fourth in the Scottish Government’s Building a New Scotland, which aims to inform the Scottish independence debate.

Previous papers have compared other similar-sized neighbouring countries to Scotland which are all wealthier and more equal than the UK – posing the question: why not Scotland?

Launching the paper at a press conference in Glasgow today (Monday), First Minister Humza Yousaf said a written constitution can put “democracy, rights and equality at the heart of everything we do as an independent country”.

Commenting, Tom Arthur MSP said:

“I am delighted to see Humza Yousaf launch the latest in the series of independence papers, informing the debate on Scotland’s future and highlighting the opportunities of a written constitution for an independent Scotland. 

“The opportunity to enshrine the protection of our NHS in public hands, the right to an adequate standard of living, the right of workers to strike and ridding Scotland of immoral nuclear weapons are just a handful of examples of the opportunities the full powers of independence bring.

“I’m excited to explore these ideas with the people of Renfrewshire South and speak to the opportunities that lie ahead for my constituency and Scotland more widely.

“Against the backdrop of a destructive Tory Brexit – which is supported by Labour –  a damaging mini-Budget that crashed the UK economy and Westminster’s inaction on the cost of living crisis, the case for independence has never been stronger – but it’s important that when the time comes to choose our future, people can make an informed choice.

“The time to engage in the substance of the debate on Scottish independence is now – and I’m delighted that the Scottish Government is delivering this work for the people in my constituency of Renfrewshire South.”

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